View Profile Wigallo
Helping Newgrounds get rid of sh!t. And maybe submitting some good Flashes in the process.

Patrick Curry @Wigallo

Age 32, Male


Jenks High School

Tulsa, OK

Joined on 6/20/05

Exp Points:
3,840 / 4,010
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Vote Power:
6.10 votes
Police Sergeant
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Well, my first post that I ever did was about me starting a music video on the song "I Remember Larry" by Weird Al. I started it in October and have SLOWLY worked on it. Mainly because of school, and I might have a slight case of ADD. But any way, I thought I would make another post about what I got. I have animated 75 seconds of it, and I believe it is 3 1/2 minutes long. Does that mean it is a uber film that takes forever to make? No. Like I said, I just haven't worked on it. Well I promise I WILL have it done and released sometime in August. Hopefully my birthday (August 20th :D). I thought I would go ahead and post a link to my "website" (all it is is a Freewebs.com website that I use to show to friends sometimes). Here is the link:


There is some other crap on the website, I don't care if you look at it, but its nothing interesting. Do want to say that everything on there is done by me except for the coding which is done by fellow Newgrounder lepracuanjohn. He hasn't done crap for submissions, but he isn't bad at Actionscript. Me and him might be having a game coming out in the next month, but nothing confirmed yet. Well that is all I have to say, please please please, leave comments. I will respond to every last one. Just give me your thoughts on I Remember Larry or w/e.

- Wigallo

Recent Game Medals

1,010 Points

Barely Broken 5 Points

Smash through a brick wall and survive!

Fresh and Fruity 10 Points

eat a super rare Pineapple!

Kill First Boss 10 Points

Kill the first boss

20 Kills 5 Points

Kill 20 enemies

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Angry Rock Basher 25 Points

destroy 10 boulders in a single Rage

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Ice Cracker 50 Points

Kill a Gnome Ice Mage

Power Puncher 50 Points

Kill a Gnome Power Mage

Reading Rainbow 5 Points

Read through all of the intro and instructions text

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